Myth or Fact, RAM Memory Modules Store Personal
Data and Should Always Be Destroyed
Larry D Hollifield
**Opinions vary, what might seem reasonable to one my appear completely unreasonable to another. After reading this article you decide for yourself what works best for you.
The other day I was surfing around and reading different articles posted on the website when I came across an article on computer memory. Let me say this upfront, I really don’t want to come off being negative or critical of an article written by the owner of the site but, unfortunately, the information in his article is just not correct. Here’s the opening paragraph of that article:
“Let’s Talk About Gold & Silver Memory Scrap your old memory from your computer today. Memory should be destroyed when it is scrapped so that others can not access your information.
Scrap yards that accept memory usually have their own way of destroying the memory. Prices for memory depend on the size, weight and location so their Memory Scrap Prices may vary.”
Obviously the author of that article has no real understanding of what RAM computer memory is or what it actually does. I will say this in their defense, they are not alone. Fact is a lot of organizations, companies, state agency’s share in the belief that RAM memory modules actually store personal information and must either be removed or destroyed before they dispose of their old computers or servers.
I buy a lot of computers and it really irritates me to no end when I buy old computers and the agency selling the items has stripped all of the old RAM memory modules from the units. Maryland State Agencies are famous for this. Either their Techs are not very well trained (which I seriously doubt) or they are pulling the modules to resell later and telling their managers that they destroyed them instead. But I’m getting off course because this post is not about Maryland but more so meant to set the record straight about RAM memory modules.
MYTH – RAM memory modules retain and store data for use at another time
FACT - First off RAM memory modules don't store any information or data of any kind, that’s not what their intended function is. Fact is, they must have continuous power to do their job. Once the computer is powered down, the modules have no information stored or otherwise. They only function when there is a continuous power source.
Now that that’s out of the way, lets address the rest of the article.
It’s obvious that the article was written by someone with very little insight into the e-scrap industry. It was written by someone from the scrap metal industry and the advice they offer up is from a scrap metal prescriptive. Unfortunately what’s good for the scrap metal industry is never good for the e-scrap industry. They are nothing alike and really two very different industries.
Sure, you can sell the modules to some select scrap yards for pennies on the dollar. In most cases the “yards” in the know will just recycle the memory and resell it for a very good profit. They might tell you they destroy it but don’t fall for that crap!
I’m only going to talk about e-scrapping RAM memory modules which have gold fingers mainly because the ones with silver fingers just don’t have the same value as those with gold do. Here’s how you scrap a RAM memory module:
First off you have a few things to consider before scrapping old RAM modules;
- If the module is still working and if there is a demand for that particular type of memory, you can sell them as
individual working modules on ebay or some other place. Used parts sale
for old electronics is always the best way to maximize your profits
for that item
- RAM memory modules, working or not not, can be saved until
you have a few pounds and then sold for PM recovery either on ebay,
to a refiner or you can refine them yourself
- RAM memory modules, working or not not, can be broken down
and the individual components sold separately. You can trim and save
the gold fingers and remove and save the ICCs attached to the
modules. Once you have accumulated a few pounds of either component
they can be sold for scrap gold recovery either on ebay, to a
refiner or you can refine them yourself
- Once all of the components and fingers have been removed from
the modules you'll be left with a depopulated PCB. These boards are
considered to be low grade and should be disposed of accordingly at
your local scrap yard. On average the price for low grade PCBs is
somewhere between .06 / .15 cents per lb.
- No data, personal
or otherwise, is ever stored on a RAM memory module and don't let
anyone tell you different
- The only time you
sell a RAM memory module to a scrap yard is after
you've trimmed the gold fingers and removed all of the ICCs. What's
left, the depopulated PCB, can then be sold to your local scrap yard
Well there it is; the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about RAM computer memory. Now, go make some money!
you’re new to e-scrap I fully understand that many of the
components in the list above have no meaning to you at all. That's
OK, you’re not expected to know everything when you first start
out. None of us did. That is any easy problem to correct though. How,
you ask? Simple, keep reading.
When I first got involved with e-scrap I knew nothing about the industry, and when I say nothing, I really mean nothing! The different electronic components were all Greek to me but I wanted to learn. I spent the next two and a half years reading, researching and learning all I could about the electronic components and the materials they are made of. Some of that information was not easy to find, almost like it was a secret hidden away for only a few to know.
I wrote everything down and, as a result of my research, the “E-Scrap Parts Manual” came into existence. Everything I learned, everything I discovered, ended up in my book “E-Scrap Parts Manual”. At first the information was intended for my use only but then I decided, what the heck, why not share it with everyone who wants to make money by e-scrapping. So, that's what I've done. “E-Scrap Parts Manual” is available as a free .pdf download for any and all who want a copy, no strings attached! You want a copy, it's yours, just that simple! Just click on the link below and download your free copy:“E-Scrap Parts Manual”
When I first got involved with e-scrap I knew nothing about the industry, and when I say nothing, I really mean nothing! The different electronic components were all Greek to me but I wanted to learn. I spent the next two and a half years reading, researching and learning all I could about the electronic components and the materials they are made of. Some of that information was not easy to find, almost like it was a secret hidden away for only a few to know.
I wrote everything down and, as a result of my research, the “E-Scrap Parts Manual” came into existence. Everything I learned, everything I discovered, ended up in my book “E-Scrap Parts Manual”. At first the information was intended for my use only but then I decided, what the heck, why not share it with everyone who wants to make money by e-scrapping. So, that's what I've done. “E-Scrap Parts Manual” is available as a free .pdf download for any and all who want a copy, no strings attached! You want a copy, it's yours, just that simple! Just click on the link below and download your free copy:“E-Scrap Parts Manual”
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