The Dirty World of Scrap Metal in The Eyes of A Scrapper By Larry D Hollifield **Opinions vary, what might seem reasonable to one my appear completely unreasonable to another. After reading this article you decide for yourself what works best for you. The world's a tough place, but I'm not telling you something you don't already know. But hey, nobody promised you life would be easy. As someone who has actively been associated with the scrap metal industry for 35+ years I tend to be very opinionated when we talk scrap. Quiet frankly I don't think that those who collect and sell metals to a “scrap yard” are treated very fairly. Whether these scrappers are to blame or not we will explorer a little further into this article. How society views a scrapper The public tends to look down on scrappers, often thinking that they are a “dirty” breed that live on the outskirts of society. They lump sum all scrappers into an uneducated, unrefined, desperate cat...
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about e-scrap, its various components and how to make the most money from e-scrap